Danny Hart’s Descend bike park offers 5 main downhill tracks from the top to mid way point, which then break out into 8 optional bottom sections. All top sections are fast following with optional routes offering green lanes/chicken runs. All bottom sections are very technical, with steep rock sections, drop offs, banked cornering with step downs. They include multiple lines/options. The 4X track starts a 16ft roll in with a mechanical start gate followed by three table tops taking you into the first corner with optional inner/outer berms. It then goes into jump, into bowl, into large table top with two landings. Then it goes into a optional rhythm section, into flat corner, options are Ski jump or gap jump into step up into 2 table tops then step up then large table top then optional large ski/gap jump or optional doubles that can be rolled. Lastly into steep banked corner with inner/outer berms into large step up with optional triple/double gap jump or ski jump/gap into the finish.